Meme leur blog ne fontionne plus "" Je me suis inscrit y'a 1semaine et j'éspère pour eux qu'ils ont fait une sauvegarde de leur SQL avant le plantage, sinon on est bon pour devenir complètement inconnu auprés de VPN TUNNEL avec de l'argent dans la nature

A blog where things are different Research is my passion ideas are its Fuel i am not a pro, i am even not n00b you cannot rate me ;) i am just myself Friday, March 23, 2012 how to be a Ghost on internet by lulzsec Oct 11, 2013 · (English, French, German, Swedish) WiTopia personalVPN (English) XeroBank (English) Tor. Tor (“The Onion Router”) is free, downloadable software for online anonymity, recommended by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). However, it was recently discovered that the FBI had exploited a JavaScript security vulnerability Sep 09, 2013 · A list of supported VPN service providers & protocols (OpenVPN & PPTP) that FlashRouters has completed with DD-WRT & Tomato Routers. judgecorp writes "UK regulator Ofcom has published details of plans to disconnect illegal file-sharers. It is the 'three strikes' policy which ISPs unsuccessfully appealed against, and it requires ISPs to keep a list of persistent copyright infringers (identified, as usual, by their IP address). Jan 21, 2016 · Earlier I ran a VM with Windows 10, OpenVPN (connected to, and Vuze as client. There I had a stable speed on about 2,2Mbit. And I still download the same torrent (just shut down the VM, and added the magnet link to Deluge, and it found and checked the files, and continued to download the torrent). Jan 21, 2016 · And my VPN provider is not PIA, it is vpntunnel ( and .com works also) I see now that I had the wrong port configured.. it was at standard.. and I think I need to use 443 as port (atleast that is the one mention in the ovpn file).

The service advertises that it doesn’t store any user data besides the username and email address, but since they are in the EU I don’t know if they actually have to store anything extra because of the data retention laws.

judgecorp writes "UK regulator Ofcom has published details of plans to disconnect illegal file-sharers. It is the 'three strikes' policy which ISPs unsuccessfully appealed against, and it requires ISPs to keep a list of persistent copyright infringers (identified, as usual, by their IP address). Jan 21, 2016 · Earlier I ran a VM with Windows 10, OpenVPN (connected to, and Vuze as client. There I had a stable speed on about 2,2Mbit. And I still download the same torrent (just shut down the VM, and added the magnet link to Deluge, and it found and checked the files, and continued to download the torrent). Jan 21, 2016 · And my VPN provider is not PIA, it is vpntunnel ( and .com works also) I see now that I had the wrong port configured.. it was at standard.. and I think I need to use 443 as port (atleast that is the one mention in the ovpn file). Here are three different sentences? 1 How could you be so stupid as to do that. OK 2 How could you be stupid enough to do that. OK 3 How could you be stupid enough as to do that. is based in Sweden and has been providing encrypted VPN connections since 2008. Sweden is a great country, it has some of the strongest personal integrity protection by law in the world. #iberoamerica /dev/null antes que el deshonor Anonymous – El Manual Super-Secreto Compilado por Anonymous Versión Fecha: 9 de Abril de 2.011 Traducción y Adaptación: Junio de 2.011 0ark1ang3l, Busirako, EpicFail, GlynissParoubek HADEXX, Joe_Yabuki, Opcode A The service advertises that it doesn’t store any user data besides the username and email address, but since they are in the EU I don’t know if they actually have to store anything extra because of the data retention laws.