ShieldsUP is an online port scanning service created by Steve Gibson of Gibson Research Corporation.The purpose of this utility is to alert the users of any ports that have been opened through their firewalls or through their NAT routers.

Test Your Router - Jun 16, 2020 ShieldsUP! and Leaktest | Norton Community Jun 02, 2009 Port 912 Open - grc.shieldsup I am running zone alarm at the high security level and I am getting blasted with port scans over port 27960. when I goto shields up and test my system I find I have a whole bunch of ports open. This is wierd because I have checked my system before and all ports were stealthed.

Hi, I have run the Shields Up scan on a computer connected to two different networks (different ISPs, different locations). Both give the same results - port 443 is open, 70 ports are closed and the remainder are stealthed out of 1056 tested. This is pointed out by GRC as a vulnerability, in particular port 443.

Jun 16, 2020 · Another website offering UDP port tests is the UDP Port Scan with Nmap page at It can test a range of UDP ports, a list of UDP ports or individual ports. Yet another site is the UDP Port Scanner at It can scan any public IP address but you need to solve a CAPTCH for each request. After running the "All Service Ports" probe test a few times, I keep getting differing results. Before upgrading to McAfee Security Center 2013 (I had the 2011 edition before), all ports were in stealth mode, but now sometimes ports 135, 139 and 445 are "closed" instead. Each time a different port i P.S lastnight I managed to scan 1 - 10,000 ports it said all 10,000 ports scanned were closed I would like to scan all 65,535 ports of my PC but it says it can take upto 225 days! unless I change the timing but i don't know how to do that lol. so any answers on my questions I have asked would be greatly appreciated Thanks Nov 27, 2014 · Running Shields Up! scan shows no problems. Running PC Flank's port scanner shows all ports stealthed. Scanning Port 443 shows stealthed. Running the following from an Elevated Command Prompt: netstat -a -n -o | findstr 443 shows Opera.exe PID 784 listening on Port 443 but only when it's using a secure (https) connection.

Online Port Scanner with Nmap - Discover open TCP ports

Shields Up Port Scanning for Security Gibson Research's Shields Up - is a free online security scanning tool that tests your network externally from the Internet side. It allows you to see what is open to your network through your firewall. Shields Up Port Scan. 5 years ago 20 August 2014. 3 replies; I have just run Shields up to check the ports on my Windoes 7 PC, and the following ports are not Hello, I did a shields up port scan on Sense, it tells me ports 135, 139 and 445 are closed but not stealthed Wider range of port scanning on your computer! The scan will check all total 1056 ports (0-1055) looking for vulnerabilities. You can also lookup specific port information by clicking “Lookup Specific Port Information” button on this Shields-Up website. If you want to do specific port probe, click “User Specified Custom Port Probe” button. The best way to determine if your computer's (or router's) firewall is working and optimized is to effectively try to penetrate it. Browser-based utility ShieldsUP! tests your firewall for The port scanner tool will provide you with information regarding valid methods of connecting to a network. Scan your network for open ports and determine if those open ports need to be closed to provide more network security and less vulnerabilities.