IPv4 - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi

Με τη διεύθυνση IPv4 απαιτείται μάσκα υποδικτύου (subnet mask). Η μάσκα υποδικτύου είναι μια τιμή 32bit που χωρίζει το τμήμα δικτύου της διεύθυνσης από το τμήμα του κεντρικού υπολογιστή ( host ) ( π.χ 255.255 IPv4 adalah versi pertama yang digunakan untuk produksi di ARPANET pada tahun 1983. IPv4 masih merutekan sebagian besar lalu lintas Internet saat ini, meskipun penerapan protokol penerus, IPv6 sedang berlangsung. IPv4 dijelaskan dalam publikasi IETF RFC 791 (September 1981), menggantikan definisi sebelumnya (RFC 760, Januari 1980). Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) is the fourth version of the Internet Protocol (IP). It is one of the core protocols of standards-based internetworking methods in the Internet, and was the first version deployed for production in the ARPANET in 1983. It still routes most Internet traffic today, despite the ongoing deployment of a successor protocol, IPv6. IPv4 is described in IETF IPv4 интернет протокол верзија 4 је најраширенији интернет протокол на интернету.Поједине верзије интернет протокола се разликују по начину адресирања, изгледу заглавља пакета али и бројним другим детаљима. Internet Protocol (IP) is the system that allows devices to find and connect to each other online. IPv4 was designed in the early 1980s, a time when no one could have predicted the explosive growth of the Internet. For years, regulators and Internet experts warned about IPv4’s limited pool of addresses. Contents[show] About Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) is the fourth revision in the development of the Internet Protocol (IP) and it is the first version of the protocol to be widely deployed. Together with IPv6, it is at the core of standards-based internetworking methods of the Internet, and is still by far the most widely deployed Internet Layer protocol. It is described in IETF

O IPv4 utiliza endereços de 32 bits, o que limita o espaço de endereço para 4 294 967 296 (2 32) endereços.. O IPv4 reserva blocos de endereços especiais para redes privadas (~18 milhões de endereços) e multicast endereços (~270 milhões de endereços).. Representações de endereço. Os endereços IPv4 podem ser representados em qualquer notação de expressando um valor inteiro de 32

IPv6 adresácia. Najdramatickejšou zmenou IPv6 oproti IPv4 je dĺžka sieťovej adresy. IPv6 adresy ako boli definované v RFC 2373 a RFC 2374 sú 128 bitov dlhé; toto zodpovedá 32 hexadecimálnym čísliciam, ktoré sa bežne používajú pri zápise IPv6 adries, ako popíšeme v nasledujúcom odstavci. IPv4 adrese. IPv4 adresa je u osnovi 32-bitni binarni broj.Kako je u pravilu vrlo teško pamtiti niz od 32 znaka '0' ili '1', češće se koriste druge notacije, a najčešće od svih decimalna notacija.

Internet Protocol (IP) is the system that allows devices to find and connect to each other online. IPv4 was designed in the early 1980s, a time when no one could have predicted the explosive growth of the Internet. For years, regulators and Internet experts warned about IPv4’s limited pool of addresses.

What is IPv4? - Speedcheck