Mar 26, 2013

“Brazil has many of the same market dynamics as in North America, primarily large untapped demand for high-speed Internet access in areas either unserved or underserved by terrestrial Internet providers,” said Pradman Kaul, president of Hughes. Lower-income Brazilians rely on mobiles to get Internet access Mobile is the main Internet access channel in Brazil - but full connectivity is still something only the wealthy can afford, according to a study on connectivity trends for individuals in the country. State of Privacy Brazil | Privacy International Another Law that deals with personal data protection is the Law 12.965 of 2014, the 'Marco Civil' or Brazilian Internet Civil Rights Framework, that applies to internet users in general, internet connection providers (which promote the transmission of data packages among terminals over the Internet), on the assignment or authentication of an IP In Brazil, Internet Access Grows Rapidly, Even Among Poor

Sep 01, 2010

Internet Access in Brazil - Marketline – The Brazilian internet access market had total revenues of $53,591.6m in 2017, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.5% between 2013 and 2017. – Market consumption volume increased with a CAGR of 6.3% between 2013 and 2017, to reach a total of 129,303.8 thousand subscriptions in 2017. Internet Access in Brazil - Marketline

Network Access of Brazil - DePaul University

Lower-income Brazilians rely on mobiles to get Internet access Mobile is the main Internet access channel in Brazil - but full connectivity is still something only the wealthy can afford, according to a study on connectivity trends for individuals in the country.